No mercy - B.A.P [unboxing-ish]

So much for a B.A.P hiatus until may 17th (or 16th)...
Second confession unboxing entry yeah! 

My first (hands-on) B.A.P goodie!

No mercy ' The 1st Mini Album ' - B.A.P

1. I don't understand why it's called the "1st Mini Album"...
What was "Warrior" and "Power" then? (EP?)

2.Click on the picture and you'll get a super big HD (or not) format! Or click here
P.s: I used a harmless clip to clip the pages together...
(actually it DID leave some subtle marks...bouhouuu)

3."전부거짓말" is the song that got me officially hooked.
Because honestly...the first time I saw their debut mv (here)
My reaction was...
But now i'm at the stage of 
4.Now be lullabied away by their gangster songs...

5....While flipping through the photojacket (all pictures can be found here)

6. Album size comparison
7. ㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎ

8. I can't believe we're going
9. Thank You!

1 comment:

  1. Ohhh you actually discovered that note! daebak! (sob my failed matoki drawing.)
    Need to resist pressing that play button on that playlist...
