The cross

I've always wondered why a cross was called a cross...
isn't that an odd name? 
( I  mean... there are a lot of odd names in this strawberry....Straw + berry?....Butter + fly?  and so on)

But now that I think about it. The cross is pretty appropriate in this case.
The cross is some kind of crossing over of two segments intersection I guess.
And it comes hand in hand with the gospel no?
Jesus came and became the bridge between a lost humanity and its Father in Heaven.
Because of the cross, we can actually cross over.

"...It is true! The Lord has risen..."  Luke 24:34

1 Corinthians 13:13

Three things will last forever--faith, hope, and love--and the greatest of these is love.

A cup of encouragement

So encourage each other and build each other up.
1 Thessalonians 5:11

and remember that

The Lord is with you wherever you go.
Joshua 1:9

"저희 애교 없습니다" - B.A.P

The boys who claim they don't have aegyo.

Oh rly.

* v *
You guys did it!! See, that wasn't so hard.

Meanwhile, Himmie is already teaching the babies how to count...
which of course, means
1 + 1 = 힘요미

힘요미 always ready to do aegyo, even with an injured hand. 뿌잉!
(I missed this face.)

As for Jung Daehyun?

...just smeye-zing for the camera as usual, and likely making some babies faint in the process.

Okay now imagine having eye contact with Jung Daehyun. Wouldn't that be totally epic? Like...


And later, coffee ~ because these boys never sleep...



Today, while having my morning coffee... (haha I wish)


I don't think Journal Metro knows that all kdramas (and pretty much ALL asian dramas in general) are about two people who fall in love...

Voulez-vous? Do you want?

The romantic-flowers-dreamy-sweetie-boyfriend concept trend continues... (along with the sub-unit trend!)
It must be spring~~~

I have a major soft spot for cheesy-sweet (and sad) songs.

But the video is kinda awkward.

Nylon magazine - SHINee (March 2013)

False advertising much?? "Naked SHINee" 무슨... (answer: IT SELLS)

Anyway so
Kibum updated his Instagram with this these photos
...just as I was about to post this.
Coincidence? Key, we telepathize!

Ready for another spring-flavoured spread?
Of course you are!

소심한 오빠들

Quick post before i go back on my mini hiatus (this is not going to work isn't it....)

1.You may or may have noticed (I certainly noticed!) the change of layout in our blog!
예쁘지? 예쁘다!
All thanks to my super talented non-procrastinating super creative and artsy fartsy crafty friend who is the other person scheming behind these wooden fences!!!

2.Doing some promoting here.

소심한 오빠들   
                                                                                                                                         [soshimhan boys]   
(Timid/shy oppas...)
Left: Lee Seungho / Right: Lee Youngduk
These dudes (or 오빠들) are everything but timid or shy hahaha
Their MV are full of silly-ness and of the most awkward dancing scenes....
However, they make great music and there's always something very appealing about

composing your own music
writing lyrics to your own music
playing your own  music
singing your original songs

(at least...that's what I understood)

Discovered them here below and got addicted ever since.
I'm just an acoustic guitar prone

seriously....dancing some snsd at 1:41

You can download it here! (i don't know if buying is available...)
limited to 100 downloads only...(soundcloud rule)


They also recently released a mini-album! (I have no idea what it is called though)
Features some of their older songs + new songs!
Taste it for yourself!

 Support these 소심한 오빠들 by SUBSCRIBING to their youtube channel! 
and FOLLOW on twitter!
and LIKE their facebook page!!!

+ Not enough? Try another one of their 노래 <3

If you wrote me a love song

...I think I would fall for you.

But things that fall can break.
So don't fall in love.
Just L O V E .

K-Wave magazine - 2AM (March 2013)

Spring is here!

2AM ~ One Spring Day

And to make things more springy sweet, our sunshine ballad boys are here!

Let's look forward to warmer days now.
To view 2AM's spread, click-ity click below.

D-0: 남자가 사랑할 때

(Apparently it was released... but then taken down... and now it's back up again! for me to post!)
As usual... going to listen to the album first! kekekeke

♪ ♫♪ ♫♪ ♫♪ ♫♪ ♫♪ ♫♪ ♫♪ ♫♪ ♫♪ ♫♪ ♫♪ ♫♪ ♫♪ ♫♪ ♫

Hoya drew a heart... sideways?

Happy comeback boys!!!  ^^ ♥

you cutiepoos...
bbuuingbbu--- k no.

P.s. SHINee became the first artist to win 4 times on Show Champion? #드림걸 (#proudshawol)

(If you tweet #드림걸... it also counts for votes on 인기가요 in the top trending category. wow. mkay. No wonder I've been seeing so much #긴생머리그녀 and #다칠준비가돼있어. Let's tweet up #남자가사랑할때! )

눈이 많이 내리는 날

오늘 크리스마스 같은데.

어제밤부터 오늘아침까지
눈. 눈. 눈.

사진을 봐봐.

ok not funny.

It's actually really pretty outside...
And my dad told me to stay at home and skip class...
Is it that bad?

Gonna work on the layout since I woke up at 7 thinking it was 8 and actually got 3 hours of school work done already!

Congratulatory dance time. Let's be productive today!

The meaning behind Yongguk's set of instagram pictures (NOT)

(I'll be going on hiatus for realz after this one)

UPDATE: The pictures are from The Gashlycrumb Tinies by Edward Gorey...
So what i wrote did not make sense cause it is not even a story and every picture represents a different character.26 pictures with 26 children, each bearing a name starting with one of the 26 letters. A  abecedarian book. The author's monochrome drawings depict a unique and obscur and creepy event that lead to the children's death. And again. 26 kind of deaths.

Yeah...i'll stick to my story for now but if you want to check out the original HERE

ohhhhhh yongguk...

Once upon a time... 

(just imagine it's yongguk narrating this with his deeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep voice 
in engrish)

Aheum aheum
Once upon a time
There was a little boy
(with an adorable bowtie)
This little boy...

E is for ERNEST who choked on a peach

...lived in a big mansion alone. 
Everyday he would have breakfast, lunch and dinner seated on this big throne-like chair at the edge of a never-ending table...alone
He wasn't sad. He was even somehow content with what he had but he did get bored sometimes...however




One day...
He decided to take a peak outside 
through these immense windows

N is for NEVILLE who died of ennui

....he felt that he had to go out there
That there was something outside of these confined stone walls
Something worth going out of his comfort zone for



He went outside
Took a few steps forward
Looked back
Looked up
His mansion was one tall mansion.
He couldn't even see the top of it

Y is for YORICK whose head was knocked in

.He turned his back to his big stoned mansion for the last time
and walked forward




From that day onward
he kept looking ahead of him
he kept walking in front of him
he kept looking forward
cause there was something worth finding
something better than his big mansion

V is for VICTOR squashed under a train




Ok ouais.
No comment.


This is one of the most repost-able material


P.s: I had nothing to do okay....just finished school stuff! Make up your own story or something! I wonder if those are his drawings? And yeah....what IS the story behind it. Dude you so deeep.

P.S 2: HUGE ANNOUNCEMENT (ok maybe this is just for me but...) 
HE HAS A TUMBLR! WHUT! He posts some of the music he crafted! Here it is! 

방용국's little tumblr

Makeup tips

"Christian dudes are so much more attractive"

p.s: I'll be going on a mini hiatus (cough*until infinite's comeback*cough) because finals are in 2 weeks (what.) and I have a mountain (everest) load of things to do. 
(But God can move mountains)

This song. 

Satisfied In You

I have lost my appetite /And a flood is welling up behind my eyes/ So I eat the tears I cry/ And if that were not enough/ They know just the words to cut and tear and prod/ When they ask me “Whereʼs your God?”/ Why are you downcast, oh my soul?/ Why so disturbed within me?/ I can remember when you showed your face to me/ As a deer pants for water so my soul thirsts for you/ And when I behold your glory/ You so faithfully renew/ Like a bed of rest for my fainting flesh/ I am satisfied in you/ When Iʼm staring at the ground/ Itʼs an inbred feedback loop that brings me down/ So itʼs time to lift my brow/ And remember better days/ When I loved to worship you in all your ways/ With the sweetest songs of praise/ Why are you downcast oh my soul?/ Why so disturbed within me?/ I can remember when you showed your grace to me/ As a deer pants for water so my soul thirsts for you/ And when I survey your splendour/ You so faithfully renew Like a bed of rest for my fainting flesh/ I am satisfied in you/ Let my sighs give way to songs that sing about your faithfulness/ Let my pain reveal your glory as my only real rest/ Let my losses show me all I truly have is you/ Cause all I truly have is you/ So when Iʼm drowning out at sea/ And your breakers and your waves crash down on me/ Iʼll recall your safety scheme/ Youʼre the one who made the waves/ And your Son went out to suffer in my place/ And to tell me that Iʼm safe/ Why am I down? Why so disturbed?/ I am satisfied in you

Dear God

I was preparing for Sunday school tomorrow and came across this...
God is so real.

Crush on LEDApple

To be perfectly honest, I'm not a fan of rock music, but I think I'll make an exception for these boys!

Such a lie. I really like F.T Island (one of the first kpop groups I got into...after SHINee ㅋㅋ) and CNBLUE.......boy BANDS ♥♥♥

I really don't know them at all, and I'm kinda regretting that I didn't know them sooner! The current members (because they had former members etc.) are:

한별 (@jasononestar) - lead vocalist with the most adorable dimples evar
is Australian
so his name is Jason
'onestar' GEDDIT?? =P
영준 (@windledyj) - leader, guitarist
효석 (@khs93power) - drummer, rapper
광연 (@ledbassky) - bassist
규민 (@dlrbals321) - maknae, vocalist
You mean this Kyumin?

I know you thought of it.


LEDApple is cool because they have this thing on their Youtube channel called "Music Note" where they release song covers on a weekly basis......I mean when do idols even got time for that? Because they are simply daebak!

This looks like it's not a video and just a track but it's actually a video! (of Hanbyul covering Bruno Mars -- watch the dimples his voice is..... *melts* + make sure you listen all the way to the end for his Aussie accent).

And they even did TWO SHINee covers: Sherlock, Dream Girl. myheart.

Gonna leave you with this soothing song~ in English or in Korean, your choice! (or both ♥)

91-liner represents!

Key... are you an inspirit? <3
Key + Woohyun....Keyhyun? Wookey? Keywoo....nevermind.

My 2 biases<3 13.03.15

And after Key posted that pic.....
Ready to get teased(r)? 
(i'm so totally talking to myself)

Woollim entertainment are doing a good job because:

1.They are actually releasing teasers before the actual mv comes out

2.Very well organized ...even keeping counts of the days!(D-5

I think some companies forget about the mvs at some point fans know what i'm talking about

3.Teaser: members-actually-doing-something-and-not-just-staring-awkwardly-at-the-camera + a song + it feels like it actually HAS somehow something to do with the upcoming release of 
"A boy man in love"

Suju totally nailed the simplicity there
Need to refresh your memory? Click the refresh button here

ok Kkeut.

The shorter the better

shorts skirts dresses (eww)
...I'm referring to HAIR of course! 

I just love short hairstyle on guys! And my eyes suddenly sparkle when one of them gets a haircut! It's just so fresh and neat and clean and sleek and all the other synonyms!

 So surprised by this one!!!!
I think it's mainly because I was a bit traumatized by sherlock's.......see for yourself...Won't post it here

Bonamana will forever be my favourite suju era!


It's not as short as the others
but it's shorter than this
U-kiss collage




You mean it's this Ilhoon?


Not sure?
Look again




That's him alright!
The colour and the cut totally changes his overall look and aura!
But Ilhoon will always be Ilhoon <3

Talking about hair brings me to  

5. Quegeum 

(Enrique) aka Yoon Shi Yoon

You <3
 Chestnut brown


Dark Ebony
Awww don't cry! You gave us a flawless performance!

If you are looking for :
  • a fresh non-typical korean drama
  • a fairytale-esque kinda drama
  • something that will make you smile
  • a cinematography that doesn't need big special effects
  • a storyline with no big plot or twist or intense melodramatic outcome
  • a more light-hearted, subtle and elegant approach with the concept of love (where it isn't depicted superficially during the 5 minutes entry into the first episodes)
  • characters who are more centered around relationships and community
  • a storyline that focuses on the characters' development through the littlest details
  • monologues, dialogues, narrations, emotions in which you can dive into their innermost thoughts
  • a drama in which there are no physical external trigger (accidents, diseases...) or sudden change of state (rags to riches, zero to hero, loser to fame...). People just change.
  • a simple yet quite meaningful little gem  <3 
If you know you won't enjoy these things then don't watch FLOWER BOY NEXT DOOR 
It's not everyone's cup of tea!  

Watching FBND or not
This is an awesome ballad worth sampling <3